Weekly Roundup, Sunday 19th July

Mary Kelly Foy
2 min readJul 19, 2020

It’s been another productive week in Parliament, if a little quieter due to a bit of bad luck in the question ballots, although I did get to ask one question of the Health Secretary Matt Hancock on Tuesday. I asked him if the Government would allocate more resources to the Directors of Public Health of Local Authorities so they can improve the Covid-19 test, trace and outbreak management systems. Unfortunately, the Health Secretary’s response was non-committal, but I will keep raising public health issues in Parliament.

While I have not had much work in the Chamber, I have had several meetings this week on topics from international aid to projects in Durham. This includes the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee, which published two reports this week, one on Northern Ireland’s customs arrangements post-Brexit, and the other ‘New Decade, New approach’. All of my meetings were very useful and I’m looking forward to working on the issues raised going forward.

On Friday I was able to take part in an interview with Richard Moss for BBC Look North about my role as an MP and the work my office has done this pandemic. Poplar Tree Garden Centre and Brambles Coffee Shop were kind enough to host me, Richard and my staff member Nick. It is a lovely business that employs people locally, while serving a cracking cup of tea.

I was also happy to return to Ludworth to help the Community Association deliver some salad and veg packs to every house in the village this Saturday. It was great to help out on what has been a fantastic project and was good to chat to a few constituents too. The team of volunteers are some of the many unsung heroes in Durham during the pandemic and I know that the local community shares my appreciation of their excellent work.

Next week promises to be interesting. I am hoping to raise my constituents’ concerns during the debate on the Trade Bill this Monday, while on Wednesday, Parliament will break up for summer recess. Although this means I will not be able to vote on legislation or contribute in the Chamber, I will still be working in Durham on local issues and I will continue to hold the Government to account.



Mary Kelly Foy

@UKLabour MP for City of Durham 🌹 Socialist. Trade Unionist. Love singing, solidarity & HOPE. For casework: mary.foy.mp@parliament.uk or 0191 374 1915